Thursday 15 January 2009

Friday 9 January 2009

Statement of intentions

Statement of Written Intentions draft

• Goals for the production (200-300 words)
• Choice of genre/formal category linked to:
• Your initial purpose in relation to the proposed film/animation (400-600 words)
• Connections with the work of other film-makers/animators (200-300 words)

I am planning to make a animation/film a.k.a a hybrid, films like Run Lola Run, kill bill, looney tunes back in action and who framed roger rabbit are examples of this. The story is a boy(played by me) has a dream in which he is swimming in the sea on an island far away. The scene on the island will be the animation scene. He then wakes up and decides to go to this island. As soon as he slams his door shut it turns back to animation. He gets on the bus and goes to the airport, at the airport he pays a man to put him into a bag and smuggle him to hawaii. When he gets there he goes to a beach and it is the same scene as his dream sequence, the end.

My inspiration to this film was a short animation by a cambridge school animation that I watched which showed an office man breaking out of his life by jumping out of his office onto a plane of which he has a model of in his desk and flying to a far off place in this yellow plane. The idea of a man escaping his life and completely abandoning himself from everything is what inspired me for my story. The idea of having it on an island is based on a poem I read called island man which uses metaphors to show the difference from this mans lifestyle in the city in London to his roots on an island. They use metaphors like the pillow waves which I am going to incorporate into my film, when he lifts up his covers to go to sleep it returns as the sea.

I have decided to try and make my work similiar to that of Marc Jousset the artistic director of the 2007 film "Perseopolis". Perseopolis is a film about a young girl who lives through the war in Iran. It deals with lots of isses like religion, war and politics andIt is done by animation, the animation is in black and white in this film aswell, which is not something I want to follow but it works very well in this film as it is her memory.

I might try black and white in the dream sequence but then when it is repeated later in the film it will be in colour. This would show that it is not real it is only a dream at first but then later on it is real and he has found his dream, and I think this will work very well the use of black and white certainly worked very well in Persepolis. Persepolis also reassured me that i would like to make an animation, there are not alot of adult animations, this film shows that animation has the ability to captivate all ages from children with disney and pixar films like toy story, 101 dalmations to adult films like perseopolis. I think we can expect to see alot more from animation and i would love to have the ability to create animations.

In my pre production exercise i tried out flash to see how complex my images could be and if i would be able to do some of the shots I was hoping to do. I decided to simplify some of my shots because some of them would be too hard to do on flash. It would take up to much time and my level of knowledge in flash isn't very good.