Monday 13 October 2008

Classical Hollywood Film

The "Golden age of cinema" lasted from the end of the silent era in the 1920's to the 1950's. This age has brought great directors such as Alfred Hitchcock, Frank Capra and Orson Welles, and has brought great actors like James Stewart, Cary Grant, Clark Gable and Judy Garland.

Some Great FIlms from the Golden age are:
It's a Wonderful life
Rear Window
King Kong
Citizen Kane
North by North West
Strangers on a Train
Mr Smith goes to Washington
Some Like it Hot
The Birds

My favourite films from these are Its a Wonderful Life, Rear Window and KIng Kong.

Classical Hollywood cinema can be described as formalist due to the melodramatic acting and the carefully considered shots. Which are both features of formalist film. For example in Rear Window when James Stewart is falling out the window the shot makes it look high up.

1 comment:

Ms Flavell said...

It really helps when you use examples to illustrate your ideas, as you have in the last paragraph. Note from my comment on your previous post that you could (and should) use 'expressive' instead of 'carefully considered'.