Sunday 5 October 2008

Our film

We were told to make a formalist film in class based on the title the moving man. I decided to be an editor and so me and two other editors contributed to creating a formalist title sequence whilst the others were filming lighting and acting to get the content. We made a very creepy title sequence of some text moving across the screen and so to make it formalist we reversed it so it played backwards which was very formalist.

When the content was produced we found there wasn't much for us to do with it because there was no sound or relative story which we found hard but we made it into a collection of formalist clips done to portray the characters life. A lot of these clips were reversed as well to create a formalist atmosphere plus in between shots we had some text with the characters speeches, this was only portrayed through text not through sound and in my opinion was very formalist having a silent film aspect in our age of technology.

I think our editing was very good we managed to portray a formalist mood whilst leaving the sound editors enough space to create a story out of our clips. In my last post i said that a film can't have a formalist story and form. We tried this with this film and my point has been proved, our film made no sense it all, it was a bit of a joke seeing our accomplishments making the film but in all seriousness it did not work. An example of a film with a formalist story and realist form is minority report and signs, an example of a film with formalist form and realist story is sin city. An example of a film with formalist form and story is Brazil which many people found a great film but for me was unbearable because it was too much.

1 comment:

Ms Flavell said...

A good reflection on the task where you are starting to apply your ideas to existing films and making your own conclusions about film style. Well done Callum.